This artifact explicitly addresses the italicized parts of the criteria.
Indicator 1.1 - The program’s equity-centered mission, vision, and goals are developed by a diverse and inclusive panel of program stakeholders, including district partners. These elements intentionally guide the program’s strategic planning, resource allocation, and processes of continuous improvement.
Description: This artifact documents the process by which Texas Christian University (TCU) updated their strategic planning process in 2019 around four equity-centered themes related to their overall mission and vision. It also documents how TCU brought a diverse group of stakeholders to create and give feedback on this new strategic plan and gives detailed examples for how they intend to reach these goals.
Why we selected this as an exemplar: Our team included this artifact in the Exemplar Catalog because we thought it did a great job of not only showing how TCU developed their revised 2019 strategic plan but also how they developed concrete action steps and goals that derive directly from these values.