States where the QM Center has facilitated self-studies with principal preparation program self-study teams
Current Initiatives
- Quality Measures in Texas – Since 2020, with support and input from the Texas Education Agency, the QM Center has been leading cohorts of Texas principal preparation programs and their district partners through the Quality Measures self-study process. We expect to serve a total of 32 principal preparation programs through the spring of 2025. After they complete a baseline QM self-study, we invite each program team to join a cohort-based Professional Learning Community (PLC) focused on supporting collaboration and continuous improvement. All QM “alumni” are then welcomed into the larger Program Improvement Network (PIN), which extends and expands the work of the PLCs. In addition, the QM Center is leading a Professional Learning Community specifically focused on strengthening district-university partnerships in Texas.
- Equity-Centered Pipeline Initiative (ECPI) – Starting in 2024, the QM Center will support district-university partners participating in the ECPI program. We expect to serve a total of eight district teams and their two university partners as they self-assess their program and partnerships. Teams are entering the fourth year of a five year Wallace Foundation initiative, and the QM Center’s support is one piece of a comprehensive effort to support districts and university partners develop and implement a vision of what equity means to its schools.
Past Initiatives
- Quality Measures in Delaware – Since 2023, in partnership with the Delaware Department of Education, the Quality Measures Center has been facilitating the self-study process with principal preparation programs across the state.
- Partnership Effectiveness in Missouri – The Quality Measures Center has teamed with the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to offer district and education preparation providers (EPP) facilitation of the Quality Measures Partnership Effectiveness Continuum (PEC). Throughout this year-long facilitation of the PEC, the district and EPP teams will build a strong, shared understanding of quality in educator preparation partnerships and the capacity to apply indicators of quality to their partnerships.
- Quality Measures in Kentucky – From 2022 to 2023, the Kentucky Department of Education worked closely with the QM Center team to adapt aspects of the Quality Measures self-assessment tools and protocols for use in the state’s program approval process. The committee’s work was informed by Kentucky’s updated program approval regulations for both teacher and principal preparation and influenced by QM’s unique approach to team-driven self-study and continuous program improvement.
- Equity-Centered Pipeline Initiative (ECPI) – In 2022, the QM Center at EDC guided 15 of the ECPI university program partner teams through a process of self-study using the QM 11th Edition toolkit, which details best practices for training equity-centered school leaders. The ECPI is an ongoing initiative sponsored by The Wallace Foundation.
- University Principal Preparation Initiative (UPPI) – From 2016 to 2021, the QM Center at EDC provided facilitation support to seven university principal preparation program providers and their district and state partners as part of this initiative led by The Wallace Foundation. The program self-study teams used the Quality Measures self-study tools and process over the course of three improvement cycles to gather feedback on program implementation and support their program redesign and improvement planning efforts.
- Statewide Learning Cohorts – From 2017 to 2019, as part of The Wallace Foundation’s University Principal Preparation Initiative (UPPI), EDC helped launch statewide conversations around the quality and effectiveness of university principal preparation programs, using EDC’s Quality Measures program self-study tools and protocols as the dialogue starter. Working closely with state education agencies and principal preparation program providers in Connecticut, Georgia, and Kentucky, EDC supported partnership building, a collaborative inquiry process, and collective improvement planning among each state’s cohort(s).
- Provider-Graduate Professional Learning Community – Building upon a decade of Wallace-funded site work and extensive research on principal pipelines, the QM Center at EDC launched and supported a national Professional Learning Community (PLC) that brought together representatives from 35 principal preparation program providers and school principals that graduated from these programs. Between 2013 and 2017, the QM Center at EDC hosted and facilitated 10 professional learning sessions with this national group. By establishing provider-graduate feedback loops, the project aimed to strengthen the pipeline of incoming principals as a way to improve teaching quality and student outcomes district-wide. The PLC work at the national level also informed local professional learning and continuous improvement efforts of six affiliated school districts.