This artifact explicitly addresses the italicized parts of the criteria.
Indicator 2.6 - The program’s courses reflect broad themes grounded in the program’s core beliefs and values. Courses are intentionally sequenced to ensure that concepts and skills build upon each other in a structured progression of learning, with a focus on equity-centered leadership is embedded throughout.
Description: A cohort course sequence list from Portland State University that demonstrates the course progression and how the different terms build on each other. Page 1 lists each course across the program, color coded by term. Page 2 builds on this chunking out by term to look at major themes across the terms and how they build on each other.
Why we selected this as an exemplar: We thought this artifact was a great way to briefly outline the learning growth across a program sequence. As described in this document, each term continues with general themes but builds upon what is learned from the previous term.