This artifact explicitly addresses the italicized parts of the criteria.
Indicator 3.5 - Courses incorporate frequent opportunities for reflection – including reflection on candidates’ implicit biases and equity mindsets – to develop the essential habits of self-examination, ongoing personal growth, and continuous improvement of practice.
Description: A self-assessment rubric and reflection prompt from Portland State University for candidates leadership that is completed by the candidate. The candidate then uses the completed self-assessment as a guide when planning their future semester leadership activities to identify opportunities for growth based on this self-assessment. This assessment is meant solely for candidate use in reflecting on their strengths and opportunities for improvement as it relates to their leadership and the assessment is not seen by anyone other than the candidate.
The candidate then completes a reflection paper indicating what they have learned and how they plan to use this knowledge to seek out opportunities to improve in the next semester.
Why we selected this as an exemplar: We thought these artifacts were great examples of how a program can use reflective practices to support candidates in actively seeking out opportunities for their improvement. Because the self-assessment is not meant to be seen by others, our team thought this helped focus the reflective practices in this assignment on the “action” and use of the reflection – how the candidates will use this reflection activity to support their ongoing personal growth and continuous improvement of practice.