The following tools are free for anyone to download and use.
Quality Measures: Principal Preparation Program Self-Study Toolkit
The latest 12th edition program self-assessment tool, developed for use by self-study teams of principal preparation program providers, state and district partners, and other key stakeholders seeking to improve the quality of their training programs.
Quality Measures: Principal Preparation Partnership Self-Assessment
A self-assessment tool that describes the components of effective partnerships. It is meant to guide discussions and planning so partners, such as preparation programs and local districts, can work together constructively.
A resource library of exceptional resources and pieces of evidence artifacts from teams who have participated in the QM principal preparation program self-study process facilitated by EDC. New artifacts are added to the Exemplar Catalog after a cohort completes the QM self-study process.
The following resources are password-protected and limited to access by QM Texas participants only. For help please contact
QM TX Program Improvement Network (PIN)
An online workspace to support the QM Texas Program Improvement Network (PIN) of “alumni” programs who have gone through the QM self-study process, to sustain cross-program collaboration and continuous improvement efforts across the state.